Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Everythings an Argument!! :-)

As much I love debating (what ignorant people call "arguing"), I understand that the other person(s) might not. In the past few weeks, I've indulged in a couple of arguments with Ketaki's room-mate Krupa. Though I enjoyed it a lot :-), I guess it was a frustrating experience for Krupa. Generally, who I argue with doesn't bother me, but it was my first time debating with a "GIRL who is SEVEN YEARS ELDER" (both being good reasons not to get into a heated argument).

So here's what I learnt today, and what I advise you all as well...

"The next time you're in a heated argument with someone, let them win. Not only that, but AGREE with them. You don't always have to be right. It's ok to let the other person win. As a matter of fact, it's important that you let the other person know that you hear what they're saying and validate their point. First of all, everyone needs to be heard. They're probably not arguing a point just to argue. No matter how silly their argument may sound, it's because they're feeling real feelings about it and they need to be heard."

Yes, I know that you need to be heard as well. But it won't kill you to hold off for a day or two before you state your case (in a calm manner). Plus, if you're in a heated argument and you stop and calmly agree with the other person and really listen, you set an example for future discussions. You're teaching them how to listen to you !!


Blogger Dhandal said...

wow!! u sure seem to have got into a real bad argument (debate) with ur friends roomie...but for a change it has taught u something good...

1:16 PM  
Blogger Siddharth Joshi said...

not argument -> DEBATE, DEBATE!!!!! X-(

1:24 PM  

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