"Smile for the picture yaar!!!"
"Smile for the picture yaar!!!"
This is one of the most irritating things one can say to me, and to quite a lot of other people for that matter. Even complete strangers can be this rude. And it's usually a woman saying this to a man. If you are a person who says that dreadful phrase to friends and family while posing for a picture, stop right here, and go force someone to smile. If you are fed up of hearing that over and over again, read on...
"Smile!! Things can't be that bad!!"
Really? How do you know things can't be that bad? Do you know this me so personally? Are you living inside my head? How do YOU declare to me, that things can't be that bad? You have a lot of disgusting nerve! If you're a man who's getting increasingly pissed off by jerky women telling you to smile (or just-as-jerky men telling you "Smile!") here are smart, witty responses that will shut them up:
If the comment is just "Smile!" reply with one of these:
"MAKE ME." Then stare at them hard.
"AND IF I DON'T?" Then give them a threatening stare.
"SAY SOMETHING FUNNY." Give them an emotionless gaze.
"I AM smiling. This is the face God gave me. Don't like it? Take it up with HIM."
No matter what you do, do NOT smile when someone commands you to. The moment you smile just because someone told you to, you automatically rank yourself lower than them in the pack.
If the comment is "Smile! Things can't be that bad!" reply with one of these:
"How would you know?" Then stare at them blankly.
"How do you know? Do you live with me?"
"Nice assumption to make about someone you don't know!!" Wait for their response and enjoy watching their face turn white.
"Things can't be that bad? Well just stay put and I will tell you about the things in my life. My dog got hit by a car three days ago and might lose a leg. My beloved Aunt was just diagnosed with swine flu. My wallet was lost last week. I just found out my car needs a 1,000 bucks worth repairs. My best friend just joined a drug-dealing gang..."
Next time someone asks you to smile for a picture, don't just sit there and take it all in. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!